Springfield Team training

Employee Training

No one or no company rises to the top without an extraordinary effort. Always being on the lookout for new and better ways is a great way to get to the top or keep climbing. Employee training is the way to keep your company thriving.

Three hurdles need to be overcome. Giving up resources for the training time, risk of losing trained employees, and a willingness to change. It’s an investment for the training but how much do you lose by having a less trained employee do a project?

Once the employee is trained another effort needs to be made to put the new ideas/changes in place, follow through is hard to do. Losing someone you trained should not hold you back from training, the percentage that stays usually out weights the ones that leave and it’s worth the risk to have an all well-trained staff then none.

Re-evaluating your processes can seem to be a waste of time but it’s important to keep updating your systems to pump up efficiency. The best way to learn better or new practices is by watching others—either by classes, webinar, videos, etc.

Employees that are kept in training programs and continue to be motivated by their employers usually stay with their job instead of find work elsewhere.

Providing your employees the opportunity of growth will continue to keep them committed and engaged to being the best!

Source: Professional Roofing magazine December 2013 Elevating Professionalism article by Amy Staska

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Vendor Warranties

The #2 irritant of a facility manager is Vendor Warranties!! Calling the vendor when you have a warranty claim can be verying irritating and time consuming for facility managers. Especially when the vendors don’t want to live up to their warranties and make them difficult to understand what’s covered and what’s not. Make sure you when you are getting a quote for new construction, material, equipment, etc, ask for a copy of the warranty and make sure that their provisions are included in the quote that you will both be signing.

Happily, there are vendors out there who represent products with outstanding warranties. The Duro-Last warranty offered by Springfield Commercial Roofing is one of those vendors and make it very painless to process a claim. Check out all of the warranties they offer: Duro-Last warranty list.

Don’t hesitate to give us a call at 231-263-5300 if you have any questions on roof warranties.

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SEO and Rankings

So writing numerous BLOGS mean greater SEO for your company right?  Not necessarily.  There are no real quick ways to cut to the front of the line in SEO rankings.  Google doesn’t like to be “tricked.”  The best practice to get into is to focus on content and useful information to our blog postings. Sometimes less is more.

Oh yes, and maybe a link or two.  🙂

For further information on this topic:  http://smallbiztrends.com/2013/07/seo-myths.html

Best Regards!

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Springfield conscious budgeting

2013 Year End Planning

Attention Facility Managers: Now that we are in the 4th quarter of 2013, many managers are tasked with submitting their corporate budget for the upcoming year. Springfield can help you evaluate your current rooftop conditions and give you budget estimates for upcoming roof replacements.

Call us—we’ll get you the information you need to do your corporate planning.

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Problem Solvers

Springfield offices lost power this past Monday at 6:30 a.m. during our weekly production meeting.  The room filled with 8 managers went from fully lighted to pitch black.  Conversation stopped and the room went silent for for less than 3 seconds when one of our leaders,  Joe Graham, pulled a flashlight out of his pocket and set it in the middle of the conference room table.  The meeting resumed without fanfare and ten minutes later the meeting concluded just as the power came back on.

Springfield has a long history of problem solving – – whether it’s losing power at the office or encountering something unforeseen on a rooftop.  We will solve your problem and we will “git R done”

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Corporate Year End

Stressed about your corporate year end? We can help facility managers and  property owners with a plan for their buildings. This plan will include budget estimates for future work and a recommended timeframe in which to complete. This will help you worry about your everyday job while we worry about your building. We can get you the information you need for your supervisors when it comes to budgeting for capital improvements and rennovations for your building.  Let us help you look GOOD!  231-263-5300

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Employee Training

A training program for employees seems to be a hard project to get started and to finish.  But should there be really a "completed" date?  Probably not, an ongoing training program for employees in your business should be on the top of your "to do" list.  A recent article in SBAM Focus magazine quoted a business expert by the name of Nido Qubein that said: "The best time to train your managers and employees is when you feel your company is so busy it doesn't have the time to train them." 

Probably most businesses, especially small businesses, would be surprised by this quote but it does make sense after you read the complete article by Tom Borg, "Why You Should Invest In Training Your Team" in the September/October 2013 issue of SBAM magazine.  He gives the example of the Detroit Tigers Baseball Club and all of the trainers they have for each position and that they don't stop training to continue maximize their investment and potential.  This should be the goal for every employee for every business, don't you think?

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Remote Workforce

Springfield embraces “working from remote locations”!

We have noted many conversations lately about working from home or working from remote locations and how this lends itself well in certain industries.  At Springfield Commerical Roofing, the majority of our employees work outside of the office.  Some of our co-workers only see each other at the monthly safety meetings or at the company breakfasts.  Others,  a few times a week when sitting in on departmental or management meetings.  We have accomplished much success over many years by simply hiring the right people – ambitious people with good communication skills and who are able to take responsibility for their work assignments.  We have embraced technology to enable us with 'up to the minute' communication from our team members.

One more reason to put your trust in Springfield.  Who’s on your roof?



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Cool Roofs

Michigan Building Owners take note:  Choosing the right roofing material could save you money and help the environment.

While the most important aspect of selecting a new roof is the contractor you choose, a secondary component is making sure you are using “cool” materials.  Any northern Michigan roofing contractor, worth his tool box, will be knowledgeable of the latest energy efficient products and will recommend those for your re-roof project.  Need a new roof or repairs to your existing roof?  Springfield can help!  Who’s on your roof?

For more information:


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